San Diego International Jewish Film Festival Hosts 5th Annual Joyce Forum Jewish Short Film Festival
The San Diego International Jewish Film Festival (SDIJFF) presents the 5th Annual Joyce Forum Jewish Short Film Festival this fall, October 14-16.
The event is a three-day stand-alone virtual and in-person festival, featuring 26 short films from the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Norway, and Turkey. Films are arranged into five distinct programs with a few introductions from filmmakers.
This year’s film festival will be both virtual and in-person at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center (LFJCC) David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre. For a full list of films, visit here.

Tickets are now on sale – $18 per program and $15 for LFJCC members. The Joyce Forum All-Festival Pass is $75 and $65 for LFJCC members, and it includes both in-person and virtual access.
The event is organized by a committee of dedicated volunteers, led by Film Selection Committee Co-Chairs, Francine Ginsburg and Ronni Udoff. The festival is named for founding chair Joyce Axelrod, who is still an enthusiastic film supporter.

Both Joyce Forum Jewish Short Film Festival and the SDIJFF are currently seeking underwriters. To donate, visit here.
More details can be found here. For more information on the LFJCC, visit here.
See you there, San Diego!