Art Connection: Where Music Meets Art
It’s one of the basic contradictions of our time that we live in an era of extreme divisiveness (you’re red, I’m blue), but in the arts, barriers are coming down. Composers are getting more visual while artists are getting more musical. What effect does this have on artists and musicians? What are the ramifications for visual art, which has traditionally been object-oriented (ask any collector), and music where, for all intents and purposes, there is no “object”? How do you “view” sounds? How do you “listen to” images? This panel discussion will be moderated by James Chute and includes Ginger Shulick Porcella, Executive Director of the San Diego Art Institute, and Kate Hatmaker, co-founder of Art of Élan and a violinist with the San Diego Symphony Orchestra. Musicians of the Orchestra will perform. Additional participants to be announced shortly.