A Feel Good Story To Start The Holiday Season
Geppetto’s Del Mar Highlands Town Center has been selected as the go-to toy store destination for a generous philanthropist who is purchasing $60,000 worth of toys to donate to Toys for Tots. Done anonymously, this donor is certainly sharing the spirit of the Christmas season and doing this for all the right reasons. Geppetto’s is also donating hundreds of toys to add to the donation.
On Thursday, Nov. 5, the Geppetto’s Del Mar Highlands Town Center location will be gearing up for the major donation and pick-up by the Marines for Toys for Tots. Starting early that morning, the team will be there with the donor personally selecting items for the donation from 6AM-8AM and then all the boxes of gifts will be ready for pick-up by the Marines from 8Am-10AM.
The store will be open at 9AM and the community is invited to come and be part of the experience. The community can donate as well or simply come to be part of this special giving spirit. All donors who make a donation of an unwrapped, new toy on Nov. 5 will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card to Gepetto’s Toys.
See you there….and stay healthy, San Diego!