Award-Winning Banjoist, Fiddler, and Singer Jake Blount Makes San Diego Debut
Marking the beginning of the New Year for ArtPower at UC San Diego is Jake Blount (pronounced blunt), an acclaimed interpreter of Black folk music from Providence, RI. Making his San Diego debut, Blount is joined by a full band, performing from his latest album, The New Faith.

Jake Blount: “The King of Roots”
Described as “The King of Roots” by American Songwriter, Blount, initially recognized for his skill as a string band musician, has charted an unprecedented, Afrofuturist course on his pilgrimage through sound archives and song collections.
In his hands, the banjo, fiddle, electric guitar, and synthesizer become ceremonial objects used to channel the insurgent creativity of his forebears. From transfixing solo sets to full-band festival appearances complete with crowd-surfing and ecstatic chants, Blount’s performances seamlessly merge centuries-old traditional songs with the trappings and techniques of modern Black genres. This “genrequeer” approach to the traditions has earned his music a place in the very same archives from which he extracts his repertoire.

See you there!
The concert takes place at UC San Diego’s The Loft. Tickets are $30 to $40. For tickets and more information, visit here.
See you there, San Diego!